Listing Office hours are Wednesdays from 10:30 – 2:30pm, or by appointment.
Town Listers are responsible for creating a defensible and equitable yearly Grand List to be used for assessing each person’s portion of real estate taxation. The State of Vermont directs that Listers appraise all properties at fair market value, or, for qualifying properties, at use value.
In order to create a complete and yearly Grand List, Listers complete and review in-field research and site visits as well as legal and mapping documentation. Field research includes accurate measurements and data collection of all buildings plus the physical aspects of all land. To ensure an accurate and current Grand List, the office also reviews all legal documents such as property transfers, Current Use, homestead and non-residential property tax adjustments, subsidized housing, tax stabilization, veteran exemptions, and other applicable recorded instruments. Property acreage is updated also as new information is brought forward through tax maps and surveys.
Town Listing records are available to the public, and they include mass appraisal cost sheets (assessments) for residential and/or commercial, computer-generated building sketches, zoning permits, septic permits, photographs, deed references, property grades, current and past sales information, tax maps, tax stabilization permits, and as much past history of each property that can be found. The Listing Office also maintains Current Use and subsidized housing information for those properties enrolled in these State programs.
Grievances are held on a yearly basis as directed by the State. However. taxpayers are strongly encouraged to review their property information to ensure accuracy. Any property owner with a change in property assessment will receive a Change of Appraisal notification in the late spring to early summer along with the proper procedures to follow. If you have received such a notice, please contact the Listers Office as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns.
Office Hours: Wednesday 10:30am – 2:30pm or by appointment
Phone: 802.722.9516
Listers: Jacklyn Atwood, John Ewald, Rachael Cohen
Grand List Archive